“The Potential Tyranny Of Artificial Intelligence” Parts 1 and 2 – A comparison

The videos below were created using outputs volunteered by BARD that was running as a Chrome browser extension when doing research for the word “polyonom”.

The video posted on 21st August 2023 included corrigenda.  BARD’s output in the following 24 hours seems to have picked up on those and created new output.

The second video included corrigenda:-

Corrigenda #1 ideosemado – see https://polyonom.com/ideosemado/

Corrigenda #2 tritokreuz – see https://polyonom.com/tritopatte-tritokreuz/

Corrigenda #3 nowords is not a polyonom

I invite you to compare the wording in the 2 videos.

Thank you for your time – Chris.